Classic Pink Bouquet
Classic Pink Bouquet
Fairy tales are generally thought of as musicals and movies with beautiful princesses, handsome princes, magical events and happily ever afters. But for those who stop to truly appreciate the timeless power of fairy tales, they recognize these heartwarming stories bring us much more than just entertainment – they bring joy and insight into the human experience. Such is the beauty of this bouquet – it is dreamy, precious, romantic and just like a scene from a picture-book garden. It carries a sense of possibility that only fairy tales can provide – that such perfection exists in this world and that love will always be rewarded in its grandest form - joy.
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Shipping Information
Shipping Information
Residential Orders
- Monday to Friday: Place order before 5pm on the day of delivery.
- Saturday: Place order before 2pm on the day of delivery.
- Sunday: Place order before 2pm on the day of delivery for Sydney ONLY. We currently do not provide Sunday delivery in Brisbane.
Business Orders
This is applicable for businesses, restaurants, universities, retirement homes, hospitals etc.
- Monday to Sunday: Place order before 2pm on the day of delivery. Sunday delivery in Sydney only.
- If a business is not open on the weekend, they will receive their order on the next business day.
School Orders
- Monday to Friday: Place order before 10am on the day of delivery.
- No weekend delivery.
Monday – Friday: Orders placed for same day delivery will arrive:
- Anytime by 7:00pm for residential addresses
- Anytime by 5:00pm for business addresses
- Anytime by 3:00pm for school addresses
Please note orders placed after 2pm for same day delivery will arrive by 9pm. We cannot guarantee deliveries to businesses or schools for orders placed after this time.
Saturday and Sunday: Orders placed by 2PM for same-day delivery will arrive anytime by 6pm.
Where do you deliver?
Where do you deliver?
Flowers for Everyone services the Greater Sydney and Brisbane area.