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Flower Delivery to Blacktown Hospital

Located in the Foyer of Blacktown Hospital

Send your love and thoughts to a patient at the Blacktown Hospital with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Our qualified, local florists provide a professional service from start to finish - simply order your favourite flower arrangement via our toll free number 1800 66 66 46, or alternatively click 'order now' on our online florist shop.

Delivering fresh bouquets to Blacktown Hospital on a frequent basis, you can be rest assured you are in good hands. Our florist team know just what it takes to bring a smile to the face of the patient, their family and even the nursing staff!

Pink Hessian Bouquet


Pretty Pink and Mauve Pot


Candy Lane Bouquet


Sunrise Bouquet


Golden Glow


Fresh Gerbera Basket


Yellow Tulip Box


Mixed Tulips Box


Beautiful Dozen Sunflowers


Pure White Flower Basket


A Garden of Memories


Garden Rose and Lily Vase


Perfection Pink


Pink Lily Queen

$109.95 $99.95

Pink Tulips


Precious Pink


The Look of Love


Everlasting Love


12 Red Roses with Strawberries


24 Red Rose Box


6 Red Roses with Strawberries


Just For You Duo


Terrarium Tower


Fiddle Leaf Plant


A few florist tips to keep in mind when sending flowers to a patient in hospital:

Take into consideration that hospitals do not have vases easily available if you choose to send a bouquet. The best option is to select a flower arrangement that is delivered in pot or vase, which can be easily placed on a patient`s bedside (and also taken home upon being discharged).

It can also be a good idea to opt for flowers that do not have heavy perfumes or a lot of pollen. Although they may be a patient`s favourite flowers at home, sometimes being in a confined space when ill a strong perfume or pollen can cause allergies. A safe bet is to choose flowers such as roses, chrysanthemums, tropical flowers (orchids, anthurium, heliconia), gerbera daisies and iris.

If you would like to discuss your order requirements in more detail with one of our friendly consultants, don`t hesitate to call our toll free line on 1800 66 66 46.

Flowers for Everyone also provide a fantastic range of newborn baby flower arrangements, balloon bouquets and gift hampers. If you are celebrating the arrival of a baby boy or baby girl (or both!) make sure to check out our super cute collection to welcome a new arrival into the world!

Blacktown Mount Druitt Hospital provides an extensive range of services and acute medical care, from birthing and paediatrics, to cardiac, emergency, palliative care and oncology.

The hospital is located in western Sydney and comprises shared health services located on two separate campus locations at Blacktown and Mount Druitt.

Fresh Seasonal Flowers From $40.45